Why Home Inspections are Crucial?

After spending several days looking for the right home, you have found the perfect home. You cannot wait to buy it. Do not rush to buy it. Do not skip a home inspection.

A home is an important purchase. You need to make the sure you are buying a home that is in condition. And home inspection is the cheapest way of knowing the condition of the home.

Why home inspections are crucial? Continue reading to learn more.

1. Safety

There are homes that have safety issues such as mold, carbon monoxide, and radon. A home inspector tests for these safety issues.

Your family safety should be your first priority. If these safety issues are detected, do not buy that home. By the way, you can include in your home-buying contract that if these hazards are detected, you can cancel your offer to buy.

2. Identify Structural Issues in a Home

Not all homes are habitable. Why? Because they have structural defects. They can collapse at any time. Conducting home inspection helps to determine if the home is habitable.

Major reconstruction is needed to repair some of these structural defects. You will waste your hard-earned money if you buy a home that needs major repairs because of structural defects.

3. Budget for Repairs

Home inspections can help you effectively budget for repairs. It is easy to find cheap and discounted homes on the market. However, these homes need repairs. You must know the exact cost of these repairs.

When you do a proper home inspection, you will find that the cost of doing these repairs is much higher than the cost of building a new home. A home inspection can help you from making a costly mistake.

4. Avoid Costly Damage

If you want to sell your home in the future, you must do home inspection regularly because it helps to identify minor problems such as raised shingles, missing attic insulation, gas leaks, etc.

These minor problems can lead to additional damage to your home. Once you identify these problems, fix them immediately before they cause more damages to your home. You will avoid costly damage.

5. Know the True Value of a Home

When buying a home, you must know the true market value of the home. Some homes are cheap, but they have a high asking price. You will lose your money if you buy one of these homes because they are overvalued.

Hiring a reputable home inspector to do home inspections before buying a home can save you a lot of money. In fact, new homes need a pre-sale inspection to ascertain their true value.

You now know why home inspections are crucial. Once you decide to buy a home, hire a reputable home inspector to inspect the home you want to buy. If there are problems with the home, do not buy it.

Home inspections can help you know the true value of the home, to avoid costly damages, to budget for repairs, to identify structural problems, and to detect safety issues.

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Choose The Best Sit and Stand Strollers To Take On Vacation

Baby Stroller

When traveling, you might want to consider taking a travel stroller with you.  When looking for the best strollers to take on vacation, you need to consider a number of points.  There are actually fewer points to consider for travel strollers compared to regular strollers, but you do need to know what they are.

The Size And Weight

The most important aspects of a travel stroller are the size and weight.  You need to carefully consider how much the stroller will weigh if you are going to travel by plane and how bulky it will be.  You will want the stroller to be as small as possible while still offering you the functions that you need.  You need to be able to comfortably lift the stroller up stairs and you do not want it to take up too much space in your hotel room.  It is recommended that you get a stroller that has been designed for travel as they will fold up well.

Easy To Fold With A Carry Strap

A stroller that is easy to fold with a carrier strap is helpful, but it is not essential.  It is easier to transport the stroller if you are able to easily and quickly fold it up and carry it.  This is generally not something you would look for in a stroller, but will impact how easily you can use the stroller while on holiday.

There are many strollers which have been designed for travel and are compact enough to be a cabin sized stroller.  These are ideal because you can take them onto a plane as carry luggage.  If you are able to slip the stroller over your shoulder, you can leave your hands free while transporting it.

Another thing to consider is are you traveling with multiple children? Specifically younger one? If so, you should really consider buying a sit and stand stroller, we recommend these www.mommasbaby.com/best-sit-and-stand-strollers/ they have already done the hard work of reviewing and recommending the best ones. I personally have the Chicco Bravo 2 and found that one to fit my needs perfect.


Another important factor to consider in a travel stroller or the lightest strollers is the recline function.  You need to consider if you need the stroller to recline or not.  Reclining strollers will generally weigh more and be bulkier which is something that needs to be considered.  However, if your child will nap in the stroller, this will be a good feature to have.

Having a larger travel stroller may be worthwhile because your child will be able to sleep while you continue with your travels.  If you do not believe this will be an issue, you can choose a smaller stroller that does not have a recline function to save space and weight.

Storage Baskets

Storage baskets are always handy to have because they are a place to store a lot of your items.  However, you need to consider if this is something that you need when traveling.  A storage basket will increase the size of the stroller and the weight.  Most people will not actually use the storage basket on the stroller when on holiday.

For security, you are more likely to keep anything important on your person or in a bag.  The storage basket of the stroller is not secure and it is possible for items to be stolen from it.  This is why it is recommended that you look for a stroller without a storage basket when traveling

LVS Agreements and Costs

The Louisiana Virtual School will be collecting a Materials and Technology cost of $150 per student per course enrollment, to be paid for by the student’s district, school, or Local Educational Authority (LEA). Prior to any school enrolling students for an LVS course for the 2011-2012 school year, the District/LEA must return a new signed agreement, with the appropriate signatures, to the contact person stated in the agreement. We encourage you to continue utilizing the resources of the Louisiana Virtual School. If you have any questions about the LVS.

The LVS will be hosting facilitator trainings, which are required for all schools who are participating in LVS. There are two trainings, veteran facilitator trainings, and new facilitator trainings.


  • All veteran facilitator trainings are conducted through webinars, and are open only to facilitators who attended a face-to-face training last school year. To register for the veteran facilitator trainings, you must register online through Coursewhere